Saturday, February 12, 2011

Strega Nona

Author: Tomie DePaola
Illustrated By Tomie DePaola
Publisher: Simon And Schuster
Copyright Date: 1975
Number of Pages: 30
Reading Level: Ages 4-8

Strega Nona was the Grandmother which that created potions and cures for the town. She had a magic pot that would fill itself when Strega Nona sang a certain song. To get it to stop she would sing another song and blow three kisses. Big Anthony, her helper, was fascinated by her ability to do this and he learned the song. Trying to impress the villagers he sang the song and fed all of the people. Then he sang the song to make it stop but he did not blow three kisses so the noodles kept coming out of the pot. The pasta was about to cover the whole town when Strega nona came down the road and sang the magic song and blew three kisses. As a punishment Big Anthony had to eat all of the pasta.

Personal Response
I absolutely love this book. I remember reading it as a child. The illustrations are very unique and so is the story line. It teaches children to not play with things that they don't understand and are potentially dangerous.

Potential Problems
At the very end Big Anthony is forced to eat all of the pasta as a punishment and his stomach is bulging out a little bit. This would be very bad for children that are worried about their weight. It gives the false impression that eating noodles makes you fat.

Recommended to...
I would recommend this book to both boys and girls. It would be a good story to read at anytime.

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