Saturday, February 12, 2011

Something Might Happen

Author: Helen Lester
Illustrated By: Lynn Munsinger
Publisher: Walter Lorraine Books
Copyright Date: 2003
Number of Pages: 32
Reading Level: Ages 4-8

Twitchly Fidget was afraid to do anything because something might happen. He was afraid to shampoo b ecause the shampoo could get stuck in his hair, he was afraid to eat his cereal because the crunching noise might startle him, he was even afraid to put on his sneakers because he thought that if he put them on the wrong feet he would have to walk cross-legged for the rest of his life. The other lemurs invited Twitchly to many different events like a parade and a marshmallow roast. Each time Twitchly refused to go because he was afraid that something might happen.  Then one day his Aunt Bridget came to visit him. When she saw how dirty and skinny he was she decided that he needed a fixin'. So she put some shampoo on his head and sprayed him off with a hose. He was amazed that the shampoo didn't stick. Then she made him eat some cereal, and he was astonished that he actually enjoyed it. In the end Twitchly works up the courage to dig out windows and a door to his house. He marches strait out of his house having conquered his fears.

Personal Reaction:
I really enjoyed reading this book because it was so creative and very cute. The illustrations were very humourous. It was illlustrated using water colors so the colors are farely bright and pretty. I really like the illustrators use of the pages and the depictions of what Twitchly thinks will happen if he does simple things. The message behind the story is that in order to conquer your fears you need to confront them. Twitchly overcomes his fears with his aunts help, showing that other people can help you and motivate you to overcome your fears.

Potential Problems:
The aunt is very forceful and may give the impression that other people can make you do things. It may give the impression that people can make you overcome your fears instead of the reality that you need to overcome your fears by yourself. The realizations need to be internal.

Recommended to...
This book would be great for children that are very young and very worried about everything. I think this would be a great bedtime story or a story to read for someone that is afraid to do something. I used to babysit a child that was afraid to go outside for various reasons including the fear of getting stung by a bee, even though she'd never been stung before. I think that this book would be great for helping children such as that child overcome their fears, or at least learn how to overcome their fears.

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