Sunday, March 27, 2011

Shoeshine Girl

Author: Clyde Robert Bulla
Publisher: Thomas Y. Crowell
Copyright Date: 1975
Number of Pages: 84
Reading level: Ages 7-10

Summary: Sara Ida is a young child that was sent to live with her Aunt Claudia because her parents couldn't handle her anymore.  Sara was very resentful of her parents. She didn't understand why her parents sent her away. She believed that her parents simply hated her and were very unjust. In reality, Sarah's father was busy with work and her mother was getting sick. Also, Sara's friend had stolen a dress from a store and her mother didn't want Sara to be around that kind of influence. Sara also was prone to stealing because she did not feel comfortable unless she had money in her pocket. At first she resents living with her aunt. Her aunt wont give her any money. She decides to borrow some from the young girl that lives next door after she sees her little piggy bank. The girl lets her but the next day Sara gets in trouble with her aunt because the girls parents had noticed that their daughters money was gone. Sara proclaimed that if Aunt Claudia had given her money she wouldn't have to borrow it from anyone. Aunt Claudia says that in order to have money she would have to earn it from a job. Thinking that her Aunt was just playing games with her Sara runs off to the town looking for a job. At first she wanders through the stores but she decides that nobody will hire her. When she works up the courage to ask the pet store people for a job they tell her that she is too young, but Al the shoe-shiner was hiring. Thinking that her Aunt wont allow her to work there she tells her, surprisingly she thinks its a good idea. The next day Sara starts work. When she earns money for the first time and walks into a store she looks around and decides she doesn't want to spend her money unless its for something very important. Sara and Al become friends and she learns how to treat someone with respect. One day, after Al had gone to get more polish he is hit by a car. Sara decides to keep the shoe shine booth open and many people come and give her extra tips for Al. Sara brings the money to Al's wife instead of keeping it for herself. Eventually Al is healed and can come back to work. Then Aunt Claudia tells Sara that her parents have sent her a letter and want her to come home. At first she doesn't want to go back to her family, but when her Aunt tells her that her mother is very sick and her family wants her to be there Sara is more understanding. In the end Al comes to see her off at the station and he gives her his little trophy.

Personal Response: I really enjoyed this book. I thought it was very well written and the message that Sara learned was very important, especially in today's world. Sara discovered the importance of money and not to spend it away quickly. She also developed a respect for others and she learned the value of work. She also learned how to serve others.

Potential Problems: In this book the shoe shiner named Al is hit by a fast moving car. The book doesn't show the gory details but the fact that he is hit by a car is shocking and some parents might not want their child to read it.

Recommended To: I would recommend this book to all children because it includes an important message that all children should learn.

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