Publisher: HarperCollins
Copyright Date: 1978
Number of Pages: 178
Reading Level: 9-12
Gilly Hopkins is a foster child that is known as an unmanageable child. She relishes in her ability to drive adults absolutely crazy. Her only motivation is to cause as much havoc as possible. Little known to those around her, her strongest desire is to be with her mother, who she believes still loves her and wants her. Gilly is brought to Mrs. Trotter's home as a foster child. Gilly decides to treat her the same way that she's treated all of her other foster parents. However, Mrs. Trotter responds differently to Gilly and the young foster child begins to love her new mother just like her new mother has grown to love her. Unfortunately, while Gilly was still rebelling from Mrs. Trotter she wrote a not to her real mother which displayed her situation as abusive. In response, Gilly's real grandmother is sent to scout out Gilly's situation. She shows up at exactly the wrong time. With Mrs. Trotter's home in chaos the grandmother urgently pulls Gilly from the foster system. When Gilly's real mother comes to visit her Gilly comes to terms with reality. Her real mother did not lover her and only came to visit because her grandmother had paid her to. Gilly becomes stuck in her current situation and cannot live with Mrs. Trotter again. In the end, Gilly comes to accept what she has gotten herself into and makes the best of what she has.
Personal Response
I can understand how this book can be considered a great book because of the real life lessons of accepting what you are dealt and accepting your mistakes and moving forward. However, this book shows some very harsh realities which makes it hard for the reader to enjoy to a certain extent. This book is not a book that makes you happy but it is a book that makes you think.
Potential Problems
The realism in this book may be a little too much for some readers. This book contains swearing and crude language. It also contains a mother that has abandoned her child. It also contains young children learning how to fight and a child that steals from adults. Some parents would not want their child to read this book.
Recommended to...
I would recommend this to a young person that has Gilly's attitude or anyone that would benefit from learning that love is important and that you have to deal with the consequences of your actions.
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