Sunday, March 20, 2011

Children Just Like Me

Author: Barnabas and Anabel Kindersley
Publisher: DK Publishing
Copyright Date: 1995
Number of Pages: 79
Reading Level: Ages 9-12

This book is a compilation of the lives of children all around the world. It includes descriptions of children in India, Ethiopia, Thailand, Vietnam, Brazil, Mexico, Far East, Jordon, Lapland, Poland, Canada, and more. Each  page includes the child presented, his or her family, and some detailed information about their life. The pages include actual photographs of the children and the details of their lives. Each page also includes a quote from the child.

Personal Response
I really enjoyed reading through this book. I think it showed a very accurate understandable description of children all around the world. It made the children and their homeland very real. I liked how the children were depicted as happy no matter what their financial or other situations may be.

Potential Problems
I could not find any potential problems for this book.

Recommended to...
I would recommend this to all children in the appropriate age group. This would be a great tool to use to teach children about other countries and the people that live there. I would recommend this to a student that would do a report on a country or group of people.

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